A warm welcome to the Horley Town Council website from the Council Chairman & Town Mayor

Town Mayor, Councillor Samantha Marshall, and Deputy Town Mayor, Councillor Hannah Avery

I am delighted and honoured to be elected to the office of Council Chairman & Town Mayor for a second Municipal Year. My sincere gratitude is extended to my fellow Members for giving me this opportunity which I will carry out with passion and dedication. Horley is a town that deserves growth and regeneration, and I'm looking forward to working with our sister borough and county councils and other sources of funding to ensure Horley is top of everyone's investment priority list

On behalf of my fellow Councillors and staff, I welcome you to the Horley Town Council website. In compiling this website, the Town Council has assembled much comprehensive, local information which we trust will provide a useful reference point for residents and visitors. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then please contact either the Town Council’s Help Line on 01293 784765 or use the contact form on this website.  Our staff will be pleased to assist.

The website’s listing and public service information are kept as up-to-date as possible. Please provide us with any additions or changes as appropriate. We also have an interactive Town Guide available from the home page.

To all visitors, and residents of Horley, both new and old, we hope you find Horley to be a pleasant and welcoming town in many respects.

Cllr Martin Saunders
Council Chairman & Town Mayor

If you wish to invite the Town Mayor to an event organised in Horley please complete the online application form or by completing our application form and send it by post or by e-mail to the council offices.

Horley Town Council Annual Report 2023-24

Last edited: 20/05/2024

Created on: 06/08/2013

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