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Council RBBC Executive to consider 5 yr priorities

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council’s priorities and plan for the next five years will be considered by the Council’s Executive on 18 July 2019 ahead of its release for public consultation.

‘Reigate & Banstead 2025’ outlines the Council’s proposed priorities and commitments, and explains how it will focus its resources and develop services for those living, working and spending time in the borough.

Cllr Mark Brunt, Council Leader, says:

“Our ‘Reigate & Banstead 2025’ Plan sets out the Council’s ambition and priorities for the whole borough and has been developed with the input of all councillors.

“The draft Plan outlines the outcomes we want to achieve over the next five years and the commitments to change we will make to deliver these.

“The Plan covers all aspects that affect life in the borough: everything from our towns, villages and green spaces, to housing, our ambitions around recognising and reducing our impact on the environment, and how we’ll continue to support our most vulnerable residents.”

Should the draft Plan be agreed by the Executive on 18 July, a public consultation will follow to give residents, workers, visitors, businesses and other Council partners the chance to give their input before it is finalised

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