Reigate & Banstead Submit Development Management Plan

Development Management Plan submitted to Government for examination

30 May 2018

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council has submitted the next stage of its Local Plan, the Development Management Plan (DMP), to the Secretary of State (Planning Inspectorate) for examination. It follows public consultations in 2016 and earlier this year.

Responses received through the latest consultation, officially known as ‘Regulation 19 Publication’, have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate with the plan so they can be considered alongside it.

The DMP sets out where in the borough future development, including homes, businesses, shops and facilities, should be provided and the detailed planning policies to guide what that development looks like. It also includes how we should protect the character of the borough and its heritage and addresses a wide range of important local planning issues.

An independent Planning Inspector will be appointed to conduct an examination into the DMP, which will include public hearings in late summer to discuss the main issues raised.

The Inspector may invite people who have submitted representations through the last consultation to attend the hearings or to put their case in writing if they have asked to do so.

The Inspector will consider how well the DMP meets the current and future needs of the borough and national planning guidance. They will also assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the necessary legal and procedural requirements and the Duty to Co-operate with neighbouring authorities.

The Inspector must then decide if the Council’s plan is ‘sound’ and ‘compliant’, or if changes need to be made. If there are significant changes (known as ‘main modifications’) further consultation will be carried out. The Council may then formally adopt the Plan, incorporating the recommended modifications.

Cllr Keith Foreman, Executive Member for Planning Policy, said: “We are pleased to be at the stage where we can submit our Development Management Plan to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration.

“Being plan-led puts us in the best position to manage the development pressures we face by controlling when and where it happens and what it looks like. That way we can make sure it is appropriate, sustainable and secures the infrastructure we need, while protecting the character of the borough and what people love about living here.

“The DMP is based on a huge amount of evidence and research, takes account of the views of residents, businesses and service providers submitted through consultation and is aligned with national planning policy.

“We look forward to hearing the Inspector’s feedback on our plan.”

You can find out more about the examination process on the council’s website at

Further enquiries should be directed to the Programme Officer, Chris Banks, appointed to assist the smooth running of the examination hearings:


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