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Town Award to Brian Buss

Brian Buss was a worthy recipient of a Town Award at the Annual Town Meeting held on 27 March 2015.  Brian has been actively involved in the community for many years.  He was a member of the Round Table and then the 41 Club.

Since his retirement over twenty years ago, Brian has helped to re-vitalise the Horley History Society and was a founder member of the Horley Local History Centre, set up in conjunction with Surrey Libraries.  He has been a stalwart volunteer, manning the History Desk at Horley Library twice a week, helping members of the public with their own research.

Brian has researched and written a number of local history books with subjects such as “Horley in Wartime”, “The History of Public Houses in Horley” and many history notes.

Brian continues to give talks to various local groups and is a worthy recipient of the Horley Town Award for his outstanding service to the community.

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