Town Awards

At the 2013 Annual Town Meeting, Town Awards were presented to two individuals who were nominated by the public. These awards are for any individual who is considered to have given exceptional service and commitment to the town. Awards were presented to Doug Kilborn and Peter Moxley.

Doug Kilborn has made a strong voluntary commitment to the task of spearheading the management and improvement of Strawson Hall (originally given to the community of Horley by G F Strawson in 1919). Grant aid has been obtained and substantial improvements made to the fabric of Strawson Hall, thanks to the huge contribution made by Doug, supported by the Management Team.

Peter Moxley has had an immense impact on the lives of many people, old and young, in the Horley area. He is a Charity Fundraiser in support of “Young Epilepsy”. He has been a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the Horley Lions Club since 1982, as well as being actively involved with the Horley Cricket & Hockey Club. Peter was instrumental in bringing back the much loved “Skittles Week” and is currently at the forefront of the revival of the Horley Carnival which is due to take place in July this year.

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