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Election of Chairman & Town Mayor of Horley Town C

At its Annual Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18 May 2012, Horley Town Council elected Cllr Richard Olliver as the Chairman and Town Mayor for 2012/13. Cllr David Powell was also elected as Vice Chairman and Deputy Town Mayor.

Cllr Richard Olliver said that he was very proud to accept the office of Chairman & Town Mayor and was keen to achieve as much as possible for the town and its residents. He said that he would continue to support St Catherine’s Hospice and Brambles Respite Care Centre as mayoral charities and would in addition support St John’s Ambulance, Horley, a charity, with which he had had a long association.

Cllr Simon Marshall told members that it had been an honour and a privilege to represent Horley as Town Mayor for the past five years and said he had strived to raise the profile of both the Town and its Council. He thanked members and staff for their enduring support.

At last night’s meeting, the first one of the new municipal year, all members were elected onto the main committees. Committee Chairmen will be elected later at their respective committee meetings. The schedule of Council meetings is available on the Town Council’s website, as well as on town centre notice boards

Further information is available from the Town Clerk, Alan Jones

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