Horley Town Council Grants £2,000 to Horley Lions Club’s Warm Over Winter Campaign
We are pleased to announce that the Town Council has awarded a £2,000 grant from the Horley Edmonds Community Fund to the Horley Lions Club to support their Warm Over Winter (WoW) Campaign, providing gas and electricity top-ups to local households in need. The campaign, in collaboration with the Horley Food Bank and Food Club, assists vulnerable families and elderly residents, helping them stay warm and secure with basic comforts during the winter months. This grant is part of the Town Council’s broader initiative to support community projects that benefit Horley residents.
In addition to the WoW Campaign, the Horley Lions host events like the Horley Carnival and Santa Rounds and run a bookstall on Horley High Street to raise funds for local causes. For more information on the WoW Campaign, please contact the Horley Lions Club Click Here.
Additionally, every year, a budget is allocated to the Council Grants Scheme to give small grants to local voluntary and charitable groups. These grants support initiatives not typically funded by the Council, enhancing opportunities and services for the community.