Statement from Horley Town Council

Pride Month

June 2023

At its Full Council meeting held on 20 June 2023, Council Chairman, Cllr Martin Saunders, asked all Councillors to approve the issue of a Statement from Horley Town Council, in support of Pride Month (June 2023).

Cllr Martin Saunders proposed the wording of the Statement, it was seconded by Cllr Tom Turner and the Town Council resolved by a majority vote, for the publication to be made, as stated below:

“As the members of Horley Town Council, we are proud to support pride month and the LGBTQI+ residents of Horley. We believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Horley LGBTQI+ residents have made significant contributions to our community. Their contributions have helped shape our town into the welcoming and inclusive place it is today.

We hope that this statement will help promote a more supportive and inclusive future for all residents of Horley. Thank you for your support.”


The above Statement was approved by Horley Town Council on 20 June 2023.



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