Join Us - Local Area Coordination comes to Horley

We would love your help to select a brilliant person to work in your community! Be part of a community steering group

Event on Friday 4 March 09.30-12.00 at Horley Baptist Church (289 Court Lodge Road)
Light brunch (no charge) and a small gift token to say thank you

If you are interested, please contact / 07971 662842 or / 07977 266706

In many parts of England, Councils are leading an innovative approach called “Local Area Coordination” and have employed Local Area Coordinators to work in communities alongside local people and families. Now Surrey is doing the same, and we are looking for people from the Horley (central/west) area to help recruit a Local Area Coordinator to work with your community.

What’s this all about?

  • A ‘Local Area Coordinator’ is a skilled and connected worker based in the local community for the local community.
  • Their job is to take the time to get to know local people, families, groups, and organisations before taking introductions to anyone who may be seeking help for whatever reason.
  • There are no assessment criteria or time limits for Local Area Coordination support, however Local Area Coordinators are often alongside people and families who are accessing services (like health and social care) or people who feel they may need to in the future for some reason.
  • They start by really listening and building a relationship of trust before helping people explore what a good life means to them and how they might achieve it together.
  • Their support alongside people often leads to them feeling their health, wellbeing and personal circumstances have improved. It helps people form new friendships and connections, get involved with new opportunities and find sustainable solutions that work for them. Importantly, it also helps people share their skills as connected, included, and valued citizens of their local communities. This helps communities to grow in a really inclusive way.
  • Their work also helps to identify specific things the councils, health partners and others can do to improve the local area working alongside the local community.

Can you help us make this work?

We are developing a ‘community steering group’ of between 10-15 people who can help recruit the best possible Local Area Coordinator for Horley (central/west). We’d love to have your input for this and will only recruit someone who the community are enthusiastic to have work alongside them. We welcome anyone from the local community to be part of this and there is no special requirement or criteria.

When and where

The community recruitment day will take place
Friday 4 March 2022 between 09.30-12.00 - Horley Baptist Church, 289 Court Lodge Road, Horley, RH6 8RG

How will the day work?

  • We will provide guidance on the day - it will be very simple and easy to participate.
  • We will just ask you to meet in groups with the candidates for the job, talk to them and then share your views back with us.
  • A light brunch of snacks and drinks will be provided at the start (09.30) and end (12.00) of the session.
  • Please do note the event will take place indoors - we will take measures we can to reduce Covid-19 risks (e.g. ventilation for the room), but please do carefully consider this and ensure you are comfortable with the degree of risk this will involve.
  • Afterwards we will provide you with a small gift token by way of thanks for anyone who is able to join the event. We will also cover any expenses for travel required.
  • We will also invite you to meet the person we select for the role when they start the job formally.

If you might like to take part or have questions about this, please contact / 07971 662842 or / 07977 266706

You can also find out more about local area coordinator here: LAC Network (

Note on parking at Horley Baptist Church
There is another event elsewhere in the Church on Friday morning (we will be in the upstairs rooms) so, if driving, can you please use nearby parking at the Court Lodge Playing Fields, and Innes Pavilion Car Park a short walk away.
Thank you for your understanding to use alternative parking. Please also do not park opposite the building on the road as there are some elderly and disabled residents who need access to their homes, and we also ask people to not park on the bends of Court Lodge Road by the church as it is a bus route and they struggle to get through.

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