Tree Planting at Tanyard Meadows

Message from Cllr Martin Saunders

As part of the Horley Town Council Environment Group I'm pleased to report we've had an agreement from R&B BC Greenspaces to plant 200 'whips' in Tanyard Meadows. The whips (which are young trees, intended to grow into hedgerows) were donated by Surrey county council's Treescape scheme, using funding from the Forestry Commission. The HTC environment group then worked with Greenspace and Sustainability officers at R&B BC to gain permission to plant these on R&B BC land at Tanyard Meadows (North East of The Acres in Horley).

We've also fantastic support from the Horley Conservation Group. The position of the planting is designed to link the hedgerow at either end of the field, but I understand the existing footpath trails will not be blocked. The next step is planting the whips, on the 13th March. If you'd like to help with the planting - please sign up as a volunteer by following this link:

Why plant hedgerow? Hedgerows are vital parts of natural ecology, not only do they take carbon from the atmosphere but they also provide shelter for lots of wildlife. Some links below provide more information:

For information on the Surrey CC Treescapes scheme, please see below:

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