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Appointments of Council Chairman & Town Mayor and Vice-Chairman & Deputy Town Mayor


Press Release: May 2021

At its virtual Annual Meeting held on Tuesday, 4 May 2021, Members of Horley Town Council elected Cllr Samantha Marshall as Council Chairman & Town Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021/22.  Cllr David Powell was elected as Vice-Chairman & Deputy Town Mayor.

Cllr Marshall grew up in Horley and enjoys the friendliness of a town of a good size but not too big, with plenty of amenities close by. She works in Accounts Payable at East Surrey Hospital.  She thoroughly enjoys the challenges of being a Councillor and is very proud to be appointed as Council Chairman & Town Mayor, following in her father’s footsteps as a past Town Mayor. 

On accepting her appointment, Cllr Marshall said:

“I am very honoured to accept the office of Council Chairman & Town Mayor and aim to take forward the excellent work of my predecessor, Cllr David Powell.  It fills me with great pride to be only the third woman in the Town Council’s 127 year history to be Council Chairman.

One year on from the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Horley community will undoubtedly reflect on a time like no other and the impact it had on all our lives in one way or another, as echoed throughout the country and around the globe. It enforced significant lifestyle changes for many with much uncertainty along the way in trying to adapt to the ‘new norm’ and making all the necessary sacrifices and lifestyle changes to keep everyone safe. It has been uplifting and humbling to see so many residents come together during this time and support one another with practical help in unison with a widespread network of community partners and volunteers. I salute you all as community champions and with such steadfast resilience, we can now look forward to a bright future with great optimism. The Town Council will continue to follow its vision for Horley to make it the very best it can be.”

At the first meeting of the Municipal Year, all Members were appointed to the main Committees.  The Committee Chairmen will be elected later at the respective committee meetings.  The schedule of Council meetings is available on the Town Council’s website and community notice boards.

Cllr Marshall's chosen Mayor’s Charity is the Greyhound Trust


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