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Town Award for Yvonne Kinasz

Horley Town Council  - Town Awards

This prestigious award is traditionally presented to worthy individuals for their outstanding service to the town of Horley.  A person may be nominated by any member of the public, for example for voluntary work, or for a particular service to the community, or for an exceptional selfless act of bravery beyond the call of duty.

Yvonne Kinasz (2021)

Yvonne Kinasz has been nominated for a Town Award for the invaluable work she does with the Horley Walkie Talkie Group, which she set up a few years ago to help the residents of Horley. The proposer of this Award says: “I am writing this citation as a fairly non-active walker who has followed the success of the Horley Walkie Talkies. I have noticed this group grow from its conception as an ‘afterwork, beat the Christmas weight’ idea to a welcoming community group that has made a difference to so many lives, especially over the last twelve months. This growth is due to Yvonne’s enthusiasm and ideas, such as regular updates on Facebook, photo postings and now the ‘hanging hearts’ to be found in the Langshott woods. This would not have happened without inspired leadership, so I have no hesitation in proposing Yvonne for this award.”

The seconder of the Award has added: “I heard about “Horley Walkie Talkies in the middle of 2020.  The group offered walks, principally locally, of various lengths and abilities, which at all times met the Government rules prevailing at the time, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. I joined and have enjoyed both the exercise and the company of new friends. Yvonne has made a point of accompanying anyone new to the group on their first walk and will often do an extra lap with someone if they are going through a difficult time , unemployment, being furloughed or the illness or loss of loved ones sadly being common themes.  Images, with consent and banter, are frequently shared on Facebook during the gaps between walks. A final aspect has been the chance to get outside after the confinements we have all faced due to the rules/enforced homeworking etc. and boost that vitamin D intake.”

To read more about the other receipients of the Town Award please click here


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