Horley Town Council Vacancy - Office of Town Councillor
The Local Government Act, Section 87 (2), requires a local council to give public notice of casual vacancies to ensure transparency and to attract more candidates.
- There is a vacancy on Horley Town Council (Horley West Ward) caused by the recent resignation of a Town Councillor.
- The vacancy will be filled by co-option as soon as practicable.
- Please contact the Town Council Offices (details below) if you are interested in being considered and would like to receive an Application Form.
- All applications must be received in writing by no later than 5.00 pm on Friday, 16 April 2021
General Information:
The functions and responsibilities of Horley Town Council are listed on the main page of the Town Council website. To find out more about the role of a Town Councillor, please refer to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) website which provides these useful publications:
More general information on local government and elections can also be found at the following websites:
- Local Government Association (LGA) website - works with Councils to support, promote and improve Local Government.
- Be a councillor website - provides details on undertaking the role of public office as a Councillor.
Paper copies of the above-mentioned documentation is also available on request
Dated: 10 March 2021
Joan Walsh, Town Clerk
Horley Town Council
Council Offices, 92 Albert Road, Horley RH6 7HZ
Tel: 01293 784765
Email: town.clerk@horleytown.com