St Bart's Spire Roof Repairs
Horley Anglican Team Ministry is seeking to raising additional funds to strengthen the spire roof of St Bartholemew's Church in Horley. St Bart's is one of the oldest buildings in Horley, with elements dating back to the 14th Century. Approval for the work is expected to be obtained by the end of the year, with work commencing in Spring 2021 dependent on funding.
Currently, the wooden shingle tiles of the tower and spire are in a poor condition, particularly on the south and west sides which take the full force of the sun. Currently fund raising is taking place to repair the roof and spire at a cost of £500,000. Obviously, it is no longer possible for the parishioners to shoulder the whole of the costs and the Church Wardens are dependent on the generosity of Grantees to provide assistance. The church will be applying to the Heritage Lottery for a grant and hopefully, with a lot of support, it may get it repaired in the near future.