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Press Release: Horley Town Council - Precept for 2021/22

Horley Town Council's Precept for 2021/22 was approved at the Full Council Meeting held on 15 December 2020 and the Chairman of the Finance & General Purposes Committee gave the following commentary:

On behalf of Horley Town Council, I would like to announce that the Precept for 2021/2022 has been set at a total net figure of £428,088.  This means that the Town element of Council Tax will be an average annual amount of £41.51 per household, representing an annual increase of £1.81 per Band D property (+ 4.56%).  This figure is below last year’s Surrey average of £44.98 for Town and Parish Councils and well below the National Average figure which last year was £69.89.

Horley Town Council remains fully committed to delivering all its services and pursuing continuing enhancements to our parks and playgrounds.  We are very pleased to announce recent completion of the Café Pavilion at Horley Recreation Ground and to have reached the conclusion of this major capital project despite many difficult challenges during unprecedented times this year. We are delighted to provide this new contemporary community building with toilets and baby changing facilities along with a larger car park and attractive landscaping. It is hoped that, along with the refurbished tennis courts, it will be seen to transform Horley Recreation Ground into a flagship park and creating a real legacy for the Horley community.  We expect that the Café operator will be able to begin trading early in the New Year, subject to Government guidance on restrictions to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

As for everyone, it has been a very challenging year for the Town Council with a significant loss of rental income and increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The prudent management of our budgets over the preceding years has stood us in good stead and, while this year the key focus will be on consolidating our financial position, we remain optimistic for the future and seek to support Horley in meaningful and innovative ways. 

The Town Council will continue to support St Bartholomew’s New Churchyard and has made provision for a sum of up to £6,550 towards its grounds’ maintenance budget, subject to the approval of a grant application from the Church.  In addition, the Council has decided to increase its Grant Scheme budget to enable it to support more small local charitable projects which we hope will be especially helpful as we come out of the current pandemic situation.

Surveillance cameras have been upgraded at both Horley Recreation Ground and Court Lodge Fields.  The Town Council will continue to implement regular patrols in all its parks for extra security and public safety, as well as pursuing other crime prevention measures, following guidance from the Crime Reduction Officer.

The Council is delighted to be able to again make provision for superb floral displays around the town for the benefit of residents and visitors. We are grateful for the continued support of County Councillors who support the flower planters at Horley Row and Court Lodge. We would also like to extend a note of thanks to the many local groups and businesses for their continued support in the community through sponsorship.  The Horley in Bloom Competitions will continue free of charge for local residents and the Town Council will of course continue to provide the town centre Christmas Tree.

The Town Council will continue to seek funding from appropriate bodies and will have additional earmarked funds for ongoing grounds and playgrounds improvements together with new projects in the future.  Detailed information on the budget will be made available on our website or from the Town Council offices.

Horley Town Council remains committed to delivering and enhancing facilities and opportunities in the Town, both through direct funding and by working in partnership with other organisation, based upon what matters most to Horley residents.

On a final note, on behalf of our members, I would like to invite all Horley residents to sign up to our free monthly eNewsletter from the home page of our website to be kept regularly informed about Horley Town Council’s business and community activities. Thank you.

Cllr Helen Kitajewski, Chairman Finance & General Purposes Committee

15 December 2020


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