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Horley Conservation Group News


The Horley Conservation Group (HCG) volunteers and Reigate and Banstead Borough Council workers have continued to look after the newly created Tanyard Meadows. HCG volunteers have worked behind the scenes on low risk activities in small groups. Hopefully visitors to the area have noticed that new information boards have been placed at either end of the spine path giving both structure and information to the area. RBBC are also working with the HCG to create further information boards that will concentrate on the biodiversity of the area and give visitors an idea of the flora and fauna that can be seen.

Photograph of wheatear birdThere are over 40 different species of bird to be seen across Tanyard Meadows as well as deer, fox, badger, rabbit, voles, shrews etc.  One of the most recent sightings was a male Wheatear (shown left)

When thinking about wildlife sightings we tend to overlook what can be found in our streams and the Burstow stream that forms the northern border of Tanyard Meadows is no exception.  Several fish species can be found her including roach, perch, dace and chub. Occasionally a small pike may even be spotted. However, be wary of invasive crayfish (right) that destroy the natural habitat of our rivers and streams. photograph of crayfish

An HCG working party was convened in June to cut the grass in the area of the community orchard at the Fieldings. The area has been left with varying lengths of grass in order to encourage as much biodiversity as possible. This will benefit the whole area. We expect that the rest of the grass will be  cut by the end of the year hence encouraging wild flower growth in the future.  Since June the fruit has begun to mature and is available for anyone to pick.  The apples this year have been really nice and make a great snack with the morning coffee .



Six months ago many of the staff at Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Gatwick Greenspace partnership were placed on furlough and the HCG activities were severely affected. However, it is pleasing to hear that those on furlough are now being brought back into work so our task days should soon be up and running again on a monthly basis and in a COVID safe manner.

It has been nice to see that the amount of rubbish being left on the fields has diminished a little in recent weeks. This makes the experience of exploring the area so much more enjoyable for everyone and also ensures that our wildlife neighbours continue to feel comfortable in their surroundings. However, the playgrounds and their immediate surroundings are blighted by harmful rubbish on a daily basis. Plenty of bins are provided and are regularly emptied – please use them.

If anyone wishes to be involved in activities with the HCG please go to our website and email the group.  Until next time – enjoy the area and look after it.

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