Multi-Use Games Area Limited Opening
The Multi-Use Games Area at Horley Recreation Ground is now open. Users are asked to use the space responsibly and remember the Social Distancing Rules to stay two metres apart. Please also adhere to the following:
No team sports with people from outside your household.
You may meet with one person from outside your household but you must stay two metres apart.
The refurbishment of the tennis courts at Horley Recreation Ground is currently continuing. Works should be complete within the next 2-3 weeks. At the present time the Town Council is not planning to re-open the tennis courts as it does not feel that it would be able to safely fulfil the Government Guidelines currently in place for the use of such facilities. We appreciate that local residents will be keen to use this vastly improved area and we will look to re-open the Courts as soon as we are able to safely do so.
Horley Town Council continues to monitor Government advice regarding Covid-19 to prevent the disease spreading and we thank you all for your co-operation at this difficult and unknown time for us all.