Nominations are now open for the Mayor’s Volunteer Awards 2020
Know a volunteer who deserves a Mayor’s Award?
Nominations are now open for the Mayor’s Volunteer Awards 2020.
So, if you know someone who selflessly spends their time helping others, nominate them today for one of the following awards:
- Young Volunteer Award (16 to 25 years old)
- Volunteer Award (over 25 years old)
- Long Service Award (volunteered for over 10 years)
- Individual Trustee Award (those who are in Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary roles)
- Volunteer Team Award (two or more volunteers or trustees)
Please note: Nominees must live and/or volunteer in the borough and not receive any remuneration for their time. They should also not be informed of their nomination.
For more information about the Volunteer Awards and to make a nomination, visit
Nominations must be made by Friday 1 May.