Election of Town Mayor

At its Annual Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13 May 2008, Horley Town Council re-elected Cllr Simon Marshall as the Chairman and Town Mayor for 2008/09. Cllr Richard Bethell was also re-elected as Vice Chairman.

Cllr Marshall stated at the meeting “This is a very exciting time for this Council. With the strong and unfailing commitment of all our members, I know that we shall work hard together on a number of important projects as stated in the Corporate Plan. I will ensure that the Town Council’s views are strongly represented at other authorities. I will continue to support St Catherine’s Hospice and the Brambles Respite Care Centre as my two nominated charities. I also have a very able deputy in Cllr Richard Bethell, and I am sure that he will support me in what I know will be another busy council year.”

At last night’s meeting, the first one of the new municipal year, all members were elected onto the main committees. Committee Chairmen will be elected later at their respective committee meetings. All Councillors’ details and photos are available on the Town Council’s web site, as well as the new schedule of forthcoming Council meetings. Details of the surgery rota, press releases, directories and a “what’s on” page are also available.

Further information is available from the Town Clerk, Alan Jones.

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