Estate of Cyril Edmonds

Members of Horley Town Council discussed the Cyril Edmonds’ Will at its Full Council meeting on 6 November 2007. As previously announced earlier in July, the Town Council has been left a substantial sum of money in the will of Cyril Edmonds, a builder who lived at Norwood Hill.

It is understood that the capital value of the bequest will be in excess of £105,000. The Town Council had previously received half of this amount earlier in the year. It has been agreed that it will continue to be held in a specific fund maintained separately from the Council‘s general fund.

A sub-committee was formed earlier in the year to look into the matter and make recommendations to Full Council to decide how to make best use of the funds. Their brief was to satisfy the terms of the will which had expressed it “should be used for the benefit of the people of Horley as a whole”.

Full public consultation has been conducted from June to October. This has been carried out via press releases, articles in the Town Council’s newsletter and on its website. Many members of the public have been in contact with the Council to make a number of interesting suggestions. The Council also listened to presentations made at its public forum on 6 November.

The Council agreed with the sub-committee’s recommendations that the capital sum be placed in a high-yielding account and that the interest derived from it be used for the benefit of underprivileged and needy Horley residents. The interest, which could amount to £5,500 per annum in a full year, is expected to be utilised for outings, theatre trips, booking of holidays, etc. The matter will be reviewed annually and reports will be presented at the Annual Town Meeting. Other specific projects using the capital could be considered in future years.

A separate Management Committee has been set up (members Cllrs Simon Marshall, Michael Miller and David Powell) who will be empowered to consider applications from the public.

Further details of the scheme will be announced on this web site. In the first instance it is intended to liaise with local organisations to arrange a visit to a local pantomime.

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