Town Awards 2007 - Andrew Kent and Alan Tracey

Horley Town Council is delighted to announce that two worthy recipients of the prestigious town awards for 2007 were presented with their awards at the Horley in Bloom Awards Evening on Friday 28 September at Regent Hall. A brief summary of their citation follows below:

Andrew Kent

“Andrew has worked extremely hard, and to great effect, for the people of Horley. He was Chairman of the Horley Residents Association from 1993 until 2007 and a Horley Town Councillor from 1996 until 2007.

His methodical, patient and immensely detailed work on the Horley Master Plan has been outstanding. He served on the Horley Master Plan Task Group and the Horley Master Plan Advisory Committee. Andrew coordinated responses to the Local Plan, the County Structure Plan and presented evidence at Inquiries. He was instrumental in producing documents on flood risk in Horley.

He has worked tirelessly to improve and protect the local environment, bringing great knowledge and commitment to this role. He launched Horley in Bloom in 1995 and coordinated the competition until 2005.

It is for this dedication to the well being of Horley that Andrew has been recognised and the Award has been made."

James Alan Tracey

“Alan was the longstanding Chairman of the recently disbanded Police & Community Partnership Group, ensuring over the years that the people of Horley had meaningful direct contact with the local Police. He is also Secretary of the Naval Section of the Royal British Legion.

He has worked hard for the Archway Theatre and has tirelessly supported both Cooper Lodge and the Brambles Respite Care Centre, in his role as a volunteer entertainer.

It is for this outstanding dedication to the community that Alan has been recognised and the Award has been made.”

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