
The Town Council approved grants totalling £3,465 to 8 different organisations. Details of the successful applicants will shortly be available on our web site. Chairman of the Council, Councillor Michael Miller, stated “we received an immense amount of interest in what is the second year of our new Grants Scheme, and we are pleased that we have been able to assist a number of organisations with very worthwhile schemes which are of value to the local community”

1st Horley GuidesReplacement Shed for camping equipment£250
Friends of Lee Street Burial Ground To provide a bench seat£250
FurnistoreTo help towards the cost of moving to Unit 10 , Bridge Ind Estate in Nov 2006£500
Horley & District U3APurchase of laser printer for improved production of U3A newsletters & other documents £50
Kidzone After School ClubPurchase of mobile book rack and set of faiths, feasts and festivals books£115
Millennium VolunteersFunding for a film facilitator to help young Horley residents (ages 16 -24) produce a film about the town.£500
St Francis ChurchTo replace windows with better fitting double glazed units with toughened glass£1,000
St Wilfrid's Church To complete work on vandal proofing, specifically to replace original double doors to car park£800

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