Council approves Expenditure Budget for 2007/2008

At the Full Council meeting of 12 December 2006, Horley Town Council approved its budget for 2007/2008 and set the Town Precept. Cllr Tony Breen, Chairman of the Town Council’s Finance & General Purposes Committee, explained that the town element of Council Tax would be £31.90 representing an annual increase of £1.50 per Band D household (4.94 per cent).

The Town Council is committed to its programme of enhancements as detailed in the Corporate Plan 2006/2010 which was published earlier this year. These will include improvements to our recreation grounds and community hall.

The Town Council will continue to support St Bartholomew’s two churchyards and will make a grant of £12,500 towards essential improvements and maintenance.

Charges for community facilities (such as the use of the Albert Rooms) and football pitches will be increased in line with inflation for the coming year. Full details of all charges for 2007/08 will be announced in the New Year.

Prudent use of Council finances has allowed the Council to use £15,000 of its general reserves towards next year’s costs. The Town Council also has a duty to provide for future expected expenditure. The Council is therefore creating a new earmarked fund (£10,000) for replacement of playground equipment. In addition, a new fund is being set up for Albert Rooms refurbishment (£2,000).

This Town Council has also been informed by the Borough Council that the costs of the Local Elections in May 2007 will increase significantly, mainly as result of Government legislation to maximise participation and to reduce the potential for fraud. We have no control over these costs but have been advised that the costs are likely to be in excess of £14,000. Although we shall be challenging these figures we have no option but to allow for these expenses when setting the precept.

The Town Council has considered the need to improve security in our recreation grounds. We are therefore going to increase our budget for CCTV enhancements, which will be done in consultation with Surrey Police. There will also be an allowance for security patrols as deemed necessary to ensure safety in our parks for members of public.

The Council has made a provision for a modest number of floral displays, which will be dependant upon weather conditions.

This Council will continue to seek funding from appropriate bodies. To date we are awaiting the outcome of our bid to the Crime and Disorder Partnership. In addition lottery funding will be sought for work on our football pitches. Other funding has been offered from our local County Councillors’ Initiative Schemes which will be followed up.

Detailed information on the budget will available on our web site or at the Town Council offices.

Further information available from Horley Town Council’s Help Line on 01293 784765.

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