Full Council Metting - 5 September 2006

At the Full Council Meeting held on 5 September, the following issues were discussed and agreed:

Leisure Facilities

At the Town Council's meeting of 5 September it was agreed to defer the planned Public Meeting until a later date, when further information will be available. This follows the decision of Reigate & Banstead Borough Council not to present its findings to the Executive until 11 October. However the Town Council will be meeting with Borough Council representatives to be updated and to discuss matters further on 3 October. This will be followed by a private meeting with a number of local residents who presented a petition about the swimming pool to the Borough Council’s Executive earlier in this year.


Following the recommendation of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, and further clarification from the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Town Council approved a grant of £900 towards its debt counselling project in Horley.

The Council’s Grants Scheme closed its application list at the end of August, with a record number of applicants. The Awards Committee will be meeting shortly and will be making recommendations to the Finance & General Purposes Committee on 17 October.


During the summer months, the Town Council has stepped up security patrols in all its parks as precautions. Regular patrols will continue, now that the schools’ summer holidays are over.

Emlyn Meadows

Following a Health & Safety Survey, a number of trees will have remedial work carried out within the next few weeks by Advanced Tree Services.


New signs will shortly appear at the Albert Rooms. Other new signs will also be installed at various recreation grounds.

Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting

The meeting originally planned for 3 October has been postponed to 17 October at 1930 hrs.

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