Review of Leisure Facilities

At the Town Council meeting of the 27 June, it was agreed that the arrangements for a public meeting on the Horley Anderson Swimming Pool would be deferred. The Town Council understands that the consultation being organised by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council has in fact deferred any decisions by its Executive until the end of September (instead of July). The Town Council is therefore awaiting further information and, having already pressed the Borough Council on several issues, wants to have a much clearer idea of what leisure facilities are being considered and what is likely to be proposed, before convening a public meeting. Earlier at the planning committee meeting on 13 June, Horley residents presented a petition with 1,800 signatures. This was presented to Cllr Michael Miller, Chairman of the Council and he has subsequently formally presented it to the Borough Council’s Full Council meeting of Thursday 30 June 2006.

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