Town Centre Management Group Open Evening

The Horley Town Centre Management Group (TCMG) is to hold an open evening for town centre based businesses on Monday 14 March at the Royal British Legion, Albert Road from 5.45 pm. The meeting will include presentations from Mr Robert Cottrill, Head of Policy & Community Initiatives at Reigate & Banstead Borough Council and Mr Rob West of Roger Evans Associates, who will speak about the initial findings on Town Centre Revitalisation.

The TCMG has, for the past few months, been working alongside the Town Centre Task Group (comprising representatives of Surrey County Council, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Horley Town Council and the Chamber of Commerce) to achieve the much needed regeneration of Horley town centre. The TCMG intends to have detailed discussions about the initial revitalisation plans and it is vital to have representation from town centre businesses to ensure that the views of the town centre community are heard and taken forward. These plans are intended to provide a development framework which will guide the regeneration process.

The TCMG is also looking to fill some vacancies on its committee, which meets regularly to discuss topics involving the town centre. The TCMG also meets with other stakeholders such as the Borough Council, local police etc. and makes recommendations to relevant bodies.

The TCMG meets every 6 weeks or so to discuss Town Centre matters, the meetings taking place on Monday evenings at 6.30 pm at the Town Council Offices and usually lasting just over the hour. Please contact Alan Jones, the Town Clerk at Horley Town Council, for further details. (Telephone: 01293 784765) or e-mail

We very much hope you will be able to attend on the 14 March.

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